DrugDoses.net | iPhone

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Have you ever had trouble adjusting a patient's vancomycin doses? The through and peak levels never seem to go the way you would have expected them to? This App will help you!

Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic used in the prophylaxis and treatment of infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria, by inhibiting proper cell wall synthesis in Gram-positive bacteria.

Vancomycin's activity is considered to be time-dependent – that is, antimicrobial activity depends on the duration that the drug level exceeds the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the target organism. Therefore, a proper through level is essential.

As Vancomycin is considered a nephrotoxic and ototoxic drug, and this toxicity seems to be associated with high peak levels, it is also essential to adapt the doses according to the measured peak level.

This App calculates the proper doses, based on the following pharmacokynetic parameters: Ke, half-life, Cp max, Cp min and distribution volume.

Vancomycin will help you adapt your treatments according to the proper equations. You will no longer have to guess what the best adjustments might be, it will be written on your iPhone or iPod Touch.

Vancomycin is available on iTunes